What else do I need to start?


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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OK, I got my tank out of our basement and am going to clean it tonight. I have my old Marineland Penguin Mini Pf99 filter, but I need new filters for it. I dont think this is the biowheel model, but once this filter dies, I will most likely get a biowheel. I was looking at Ebo-Jager submresible heaters, becasuse I read alot of posts on this site that people like them.

I might have a hood and light, but if I dont, is there a benefit to flourescent versus incandescent?

Also, I need an airpump and something to go in the tank with it.

What kind of chemicals do I need, and is there anything else I seem to be missing before I begin? Thanks!
you have to get a dechlorinator like aqua plus and bacteria in a bottle like bio-spira or the nutrafin cycle is also helpfull. Next do your homework on cycling and choose on either fishless or fish cycling your tank. Also browse around this forum and read up on everything in here cause theirs a lot of usefull info that you need. Good luck and be Patient :thumbs:
Hi fluorescent lights are much better than incandescent ones. The incandescent light hoods are much cheaper but they do not make the fish look their best and the biggest problem with them is they can heat up the water in the tank pretty quickly. You cannot leave them on all day or in my experience even an hour or so. My 1st tank had an incandescent light I left it on for about 4 hours and the temp in the tank went from 78 to 89 degrees. Luckily none of the fish died.

You don't need an airpump if you are using a hang on the tank power filter. They are pretty much for decoration.

You'll also need a water conditioner to dechlorinate the water.

Also you'll need to cycle the tank. There is info on how to do this with fish or fishless at the top of the beginners section.

Good Luck!
Moe - thanks for the tip on the flourescent light. I have been reading this site non stop over the past few days. From what I have gathered, fishless cycling is the best way to go, plus it gives me more time to decide exactly what fish I want.

My filter is the hang on the tank kind, so its good to know I dont need a air pump as well.

Hopefully tomorrow I can go to the store and get some chemicals and other goodies...

I started reading about cycling, and am getting ready to really research it, because I want to start my tank this week... :D

One more question, is it necessary to have any light and heated water while cycling right from the start, or can I order a heater online (mabey) but already have my tank start cycling before I get the heater?
s it necessary to have any light and heated water while cycling right from the start, or can I order a heater online (mabey) but already have my tank start cycling before I get the heater?
You can start the cycle at any time, but the bacteria thrives in warm temperatures, so the warmer you keep the water, the more quickly the cycle will go. With no fish in the tank raising it to the high 80's is not an issue.

Also obtain some established filter media from a friend or the lfs and stuff it into your own filter - this will jump start the cycle and shorten it by a good margin.
I went to petco and petsmart today to get some supplies to get things started. I bought a new filter (for some reason I am leary of using one from an established tank) I got 4 plants for now, and some small white/beige gravel. I also got aqua plus, thanks for the recomendation G_Sharky. I am waiting on a ebo-jagar heater off of ebay.

One the heater comes I should be set. Im going to try and find bio spira somewhere around my house.

As far as amonia goes. Where can I get pure amonia? I went to the grocery store, and the amonia they had had 2 things in it besided the actual amonia, I cant recall the names right now. Something with an O and something with an S. ...

Also, from reading on this site, I learned a Master Test Kit is good to have. Petco Online has them for 14.50 + about 5 bucks to ship. The stores are all $22+ To my suprise though, I found one kit sitting on a endcap in Petsmart, with a tag for 19.99, instead of the 22.99 that was on the shelf, and actually a 22.99 price was tagged on the box. It must have been an old tag on the endcap, but they gave it to me for 19.99, basically the same price as Petco Online, but I dont have to wait for shipping!!

Thanks for everyones help so far! :D
If I were you I would go with a planted tank :cool: . It might cost you a little more but the life of your fish will go up. You will have to wait a couple of days though. You realy need something that will take out the chlorine
I just tested my tank water after dechlorinating it and here is what I got:

pH: 7.6

GH: I lost count the first time at what I though was 6 or 7 drops.
Second time I started with 5 drops in the tube before I shook. After that I
added 1 drop between shakes until it turned green.

Final GH: 143.2

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