What Else Can I Put In My Coldwater Tank.


New Member
Jun 20, 2009
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Hello everyone im new to this page, would any of you guys be able to give me some pointers as to what i could put in my cold water tank as its looking abit empty at the mo, ive been told i could put Cherry shrimp in but i have some small fan tail in there and have been told they might eat them...Help!
What fish do you have already?
What size is your tank?
How long has your tank been running?
Did you cycle your tank?
Cherries can live in a pond with goldies provided their is a thick mulch later of dead leaf matter (sludge) for them to hide in and good planting. They are ideal prey for goldfish but will survive in reasonable numbers if given the ability to hide easily.
I've heard Zebra Danios will do fine in a coldwater setup im assuming this will also goes for Leopards too.

Other than that get a heater and keep tropicals.. so much more satisfying
You left out the whole goodeid group Jay. Most of them are quite comfortable in a subtropical tank. Some are not very good as community fish while others are but a low temperature tolerance of 50F, 10C, or so is not unusual in that group.

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