What Else Can I Keep With My Betta?


Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2005
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Hi, I have one male betta in a 63 litre 2 foot tank. I was just wondering what else i can keep with him if i wanted to add anything else. At first i was thinking of getting 2 female bettas but now i'm just wondering what other types of fish would be fine to go with him? Thanks. :D
Not a female :no:

I have a ADF in one Betta tank. I have a Synirr boy in with 10 panda cory, and I have put three dario dario females in cautiously. They are small enough to eat. I will soon try an Apple brigi snail. I like the ADF. They are very active and comical. I have trumpets in most tanks, although I've noticed that some look like they may be endangered with some Betta. I plan to put a Betta in a cory tank or two.
Small, peaceful tetras such as cardinals and glowlight tetras, if you don't have a seriously aggressive betta. Amano shrimps are suitable also.
I'd be careful with tetras, as some species will nip the betta's fins. Some tankmates that are almost always ok with bettas are cories, khuli loaches, otos, African dwarf frogs, snails, and white cloud mountain minnows. I've had all of these as tankmates with great success :)

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