What Else Can I Add That Will Go Well?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I have 6 buenos tetras, 4 black skirt tetras, 6 cory cats, and 3 swordtails, none are fully grown.

What other kind of fish that will be acceptable in this setup? I have a 55 gallon.

You could have some gouramis - dwarf, honey, pearl. They'd look nice.

Uhm, to list a few other things off the top of my head:
Shrimp and Snails, of course,
you might be able to get away with some rams, depending on your water parameters.

There are a lot of fish that would work in a setup like you have, really.


Someone else will give you more ideas :good:
Most any community fish like tetras, rasboras, danios, barbs (not tigers though), gouramis, etc. would be fine. Just keep in mind that BA tetras do have a reputation of being a bit nippy though.
thanks for yoru replies.

Yea, Im not sure if gouramies ar egood choice, because tetras can be a bit nippy. I notice the BA are like that.
I really really like the raindbow shark, but I know they are somewhat territorial, and they tend to get a bit more aggressive as they get older. I really like how they look, but I sure dont want anything to make my cute cories afraid!!

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