What does your bristlenose eat?


Fish Herder
Oct 28, 2004
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I gave mine an algae wafer and he ignored it and the other fish ate it. I put zucchini in the tank last night, clipped to the side, and so far he's not been on it. I didn't microwave it btw. any ideas? He's got most of the algae on the tank cleaned up so I was worried he might be getting hungry.
Put the cucumber on the bottom...

I might take him a bit of time to get used to different foods ;)
Mine won't touch algae wafers. Well actually she doesn't get a chance to, even after lights out.

And for the first time today had a little courgette, just the squidgy bit in the middle. Turned her nose up at the rest :D
OK i put a weight on it and it's on the bottom. It was hard to put the weight through though so maybe if it softens up a bit. I hope he doesn't starve. :(
My female common BN feeds on algae, algae wafers and cucumber !! Doesn't matter whether it's night or day, she eats like a pig !!! ;)

I've never actuall seen my male BN feeding on anything other then algae on the gravel etc. :rolleyes: he probably eats more during the night though !

The new L059 (White Seam BN's) that I've put in my tank, appear to be eating well, but haven't seen them feeding during the day. This will probably change as they settle into the tank ! ;)
Get on e-bay and buy yourself a 'Screwcumber'. It's basically a stainless Steal Coil that you can screw through a peice of cucumber, courgette etc to make it sink. Both my BN's love courgette especially and eat it during the day.

I've also been told to feed them carrot and it will make them go an orange colour, never tried it though.
andyj said:
The new L059 (White Seam BN's) that I've put in my tank, appear to be eating well, but haven't seen them feeding during the day. This will probably change as they settle into the tank ! ;)
Dont let them settle in too much :grr:

good to hear they are doing well though.
Mine LOVES Hikari's sinking algae wafers, but will also eat pretty much any other sinking-type food that I put in there.

And don't forget to include some rootwood/bogwood/driftwood in the tank - I believe they need some in their guts to digest and survive.

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