What does finrot actually look like

Butterfly Betta

Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I think my oldest male Betta, Bossy is developing finrot.

But I want to make sure.

Can anyone post a picture of what the stuff actually looks like. I have never had any problems with fin rot before.

But I guess the fact he got beaten up when he escaped into the main tank brought it on. It is not serious, I am adding melafix and an anti fungus but i want to make sure it is finrot before I treat it as such.

I don't have any pics, but:

If your betta was "beaten up " it is not fin rot-its just torn fins. You can treat the tank
with a little salt or add a very small amount of Melafix. But its not fungus.

FIn Rot: is when you fish was fine then all of a sudden for no reason his fins look as if
they had caught on fire and the flame was put out and the ends are now "frayed" and little pieces are falling off.

hope this helps.

But a little salt and good water and no more fights should be all your little betta needs.

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