What does constipatios look like?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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This morning I did my weekly water change and immediatley after my male platty started acting lethargic. Staying on top of the powerhead, not moving much. etc.
When I fed them today he was just fine, it was just after the water change that he retired to the corner. He does eat though, he swims a little and then back to the corner again.

He hasn't shown any signs of disease, but Ive noticed that he's become a little bigger, specially around the belly, but attributed it to his normal growth.
I also try not to overfeed. I feed twice a day (on Fridays only once) and just the amount they eat within 3-4 mins. and always check for leftovers.

My ammo is 0, nitrite 0, nitrate around 12 ppm (just changed the water ;) )

Does anybody knows what this behaviour mean?
Any help will be appreciated!
First to make sure it isn't constipation try the fish with a shelled pea and some daphnia, can you issolate the fish, it could be dropsy so you might need to issolate the fish to try and save him.

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