Fish Crazy
I'm getting two 40g tanks soon, one will be a growout tank but the other will be a community. The dimensions are 36" long by 14" wide by 18" deep. I'm thinking of a South American theme. This is my list so far.
2 bolivian rams
3 hockeystick tetra
3 flame tetra
3 rummynose tetra
6 cardinal tetra
5 panda corys
What do you think? What suggestions/changes do you have?
BTW, the substrate will be sand with driftwood and live plants.
2 bolivian rams
3 hockeystick tetra
3 flame tetra
3 rummynose tetra
6 cardinal tetra
5 panda corys
What do you think? What suggestions/changes do you have?
BTW, the substrate will be sand with driftwood and live plants.