What do you think?


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
North Queensland, Australia
I'm getting two 40g tanks soon, one will be a growout tank but the other will be a community. The dimensions are 36" long by 14" wide by 18" deep. I'm thinking of a South American theme. This is my list so far.

2 bolivian rams
3 hockeystick tetra
3 flame tetra
3 rummynose tetra
6 cardinal tetra
5 panda corys

What do you think? What suggestions/changes do you have?
Thanks :D

BTW, the substrate will be sand with driftwood and live plants.
Rummy noses look better in larger groups. These chaps love the plants are constantly weaving in and out of them. I have noticed that when their numbers are less they tend to hide more often :)
I agree with Dubby. Most tetras like to be in groups of 5+. So if you want you could pick your fave 2 types and get 5 of each instead of the 3 you have now. HTH :)
Yes, that's a good idea. I think I'll go with cardinals and hockeys, they're my favourites. :D
new plan:

2 bolivian rams
5 hockey stick tetras
5 cardinal tetras
5 panda corys

What about angelfish? The tank is 18" high, could I keep 1 or do they prefer to be in pairs?
Angels and cardinals/neons do not go together - they are traditional enemies :) Angels apparently feed on them in the wild !! However, I have had no problem with small angels getting along with my neons.
Don't waste your time on neons. They are smaller than cardinals so they will eventually wind up in the angelfish's mouth. :no: They are also more prone to NTD than the cardinals. But whatever tetras you choose, I would buy 1-3 extra of the amount you will want because unfortunately you have to allow for loss. Hopefully, you won't have any losses, but there is always that chance..good luck!
Losses? I didn't think they (tetras) were so delicate. :dunno: I bought 8 neons a while ago now and still have those same 8. Although, this was an established tank. I can hold off putting them in for a few months. BTW the angels will be juveniles, so by the time they're big enough to eat a small cardinal, the cardinals will be too big ( they get twice the size of neons). :D
If you are going to add angels..............ppllleeeeeeeeeease add them LAST. :rolleyes: It will save many problems of the "oops my angels ate my ________ tetras" type. I have had neons and angels together in just about every community tank i have ever had and if you follow a few basic rules they can live together very well. Having said that angels are cichlids and every now and then you can get one that is very aggressive and very hungry.
things to do are addthe small fish first. then pick your angels out, get strong swimming undamaged fish that are about nickel size or slightly larger. make sure there are a good number of broadleaf plants and some dense ones for hiding. this should help you have success in stocking both these fish. Good Luck :)
Thanks for the advice- I'll do this. I was thinking of amazon swords for the plants anyway. :D Also, how big is a nickel? Is that a small coin? (feeling very stupid) :rolleyes:

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