What Do You Think Of This Stocking?


Fish Herder
Feb 21, 2012
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The tank will be 8x2x2 feet
The population
20 discus
50 rummynose tetras
20 sterbai corys
10 whiptail catfish
hello! long time no hear Mr Zante ... I'm guessing the baby discus are now adults by that stocking. As gmc said - look forward to seeing it :)
Akasha72 said:
hello! long time no hear Mr Zante ... I'm guessing the baby discus are now adults by that stocking. As gmc said - look forward to seeing it

Not quite adults, but getting there.
The upgrade is still a bit far away, I need to get a new house first, but that's been the plan for a while now. For the moment their current tank is just about big enough, especially as the corys are down to 4 and the rummynoses down to 8 (and the bristlenoses down to zero 
I was just putting out there because I like to plan well in advance, so that when I start I have a clear picture of what to do, and to listen to possible suggestions.
my lfs have some stunning fish in at the moment that might be worth looking at. They are albino neons ... white with bright blue eyes ... just WOW 
 if I didn't think my angels would see food I'd be buying some in a heartbeat 
Nah, thanks for the suggestion, but I've seen a seriously large school of rummynoses in a tank and it was stunning. I can't imagine what it would look like in a tank twice the length.
I will be opening a build thread once I start, including the actual building of the aquariums, as I will have them built in place. Can't be bothered to organise a team of people to haul them into the house.
(yes plural, the other one will be an 8' reef)
Actually I found an even better video. In this one the tank is about 10 feet.
You can see how active they are and how they school.
Wont the Discus eat the Tetras?
They haven't so far. Rummynoses are bigger than neons and when fully grown they won't fit in a discus' mouth. They might eat it if they find a dead one, but they won't hunt one down.
wow that video is amazing! They do look seriously good schooling back and forth like that .... and in with angels too! It does go to show how it varies with tetra's with larger cichlids. My angels are fine with my harlequins but in general we'd not normally recommend them sharing a tank! 
I may try some of these albino neons at a later date, just get a few to begin with to see what my angels do. I've never seen the rummy noses in my area
Can't wait to see this tank taking shape :D
Please, post some pictures, or if you can a video, I'd like to see those albino tetras in your tank.
By the way, how are your angels doing, did you manage to get them to spawn successfully?
I've been back to the lfs today to drop off a palmeri tetra baby that I couldn't keep (it turned out to be male and I have five males that bicker and spar constantly, I don't need another!) Whilst I was there I had another look at the albino neons and I'm still in love ... they have about 20 in the tank and they're really eye catching. At the moment I'm on a waiting list to move and I think it will be soon and so I'm not adding anything to my tank just at the moment. Moving with what I have is going to be stressful enough.
As to my angels - they're doing my head in. They go through the motions of cleaning leaves, lip locking and attacking each other, the female drops her breeding tube and then she goes and changes her mind! She's done this at least 6 times in the last few months. We're going through another spate of it at the moment - she's looking for all the world like she's ready to spawn but I've given up any hope now.
Other than that they are doing just fine. My male has turned out to be a right bruiser ... he's grown an enormous nuchal hump and enlarged chest too. I was told recently he looks like he should be stood on the door of some club with a name like 'arry and muttering 'your names not down, your not comin in'
Don't be fooled by that video. They only school so extremly because they are newly released to that tank. Have you ever witnessed a large school of cardinal tetra? Imho much more impressive because the colors are so much more intense.
hobby5 said:
Don't be fooled by that video. They only school so extremly because they are newly released to that tank. Have you ever witnessed a large school of cardinal tetra? Imho much more impressive because the colors are so much more intense.
I have had rummynoses with my discus for four years now and they have always schooled in that way. Only now I have fewer because they are getting on and I'm not replacing the ones that are dying.
I have had cardinals with my discus before, up to 25, I've never seen them school, only shoal loosely.
Zante said:
I have had cardinals with my discus before, up to 25, I've never seen them school, only shoal loosely.
 Yes, with 25 they hardly school if there is no threat for them. For cardinals to get impressive you need to have a few hundred ;)

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