Fish Fanatic
OK guys about 2 monts ago i knew nothing about the saltwater part of aquariums. I have kept freshwater for about 5 years now. I converted my 55 gal. freshwater tank over to saltwater about two months ago. Anyways...I started out with 50 lbs. of live sand, a skelter hang-on filter/skimmer that filters about 400 gph. (It says its enough for 55 gal.) I also have a standard 30 hang on filter on, filtering about 200 gph. And also a Powerhead in the opposite corner moving about 375 gph. The water is well oxogenated but the skimmer and the powerhead. I have about 15 lbs. of liverock in there that i got at my LFS. I have about another 8 lbs. of just rock in there, I have also put some fake plants in there for some hiding places and just cause it looks good seeing the plants sway with the current. I have Standard 15 watt. lights that came with the tank. OK i think that covers the tank part of it now for my fish. I started with 4 blue damsel's to get the tank to cycle, ended up in 3 of them dying. bummer. After everthing settled down i got a domino damsel. Things were goin good for a while then i got this nasty rusty algea bloom all over everything. That prompted me to get some cleaners. all i could afford at the time a coulple of hermit crabs. I also put my lights on 8 hour timers to help try to contol this too. Algea is still kinda a prob but my fish like it too. Everything seemed to be goin well so i decided to get something cool to look at. Probably not the best idea but i got a snowflake eel. He is small about 5-6 inches i have got him to eat freeze dried krill as well as live guppies. Yeah i think that about covers it..we seem to be up to date now. I am just wondering what i am doin right what i am doin wrong? How much live rock do i really need? Do i have enough filtration or too much? what is a good cleaning crew? what kind of lights do i need or are mine fine? There is all sorts of questions that i have i cant ask them all now.. if there is anything you think i left out or anything you think i should know it would be awsome.
thanks guys
thanks guys