What Do You Think Is The Best Diet For Baby Molly Fry


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2007
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hi peeps
people say that you should give them a good diet so the fry can grow well

but atm all i use is the liquifry food but is this enough or not? :unsure:

anyone got any suggestions :rolleyes:
Newly hatched brineshrimp is the very best food by a long way.......
And mollies like a lot of gegitable matter to blanched lettice and shelled pea's are all good.
Definately go for the baby brine shrimp.. If you dont wanna rear your own you can buy it frozen and it's really easy and clean to feed it.
ok does it have to be bay brine shrimp or can you crush the frozen one so it easy for them to digest it
BBS, daphnia, crushed vegetable flake and liquid fry food is what I fed mine.
ok does it have to be bay brine shrimp or can you crush the frozen one so it easy for them to digest it

I go with the frozen baby brine shrimp. It comes in a little pouch for like $2.00 and will last you plenty long enough for the fry to get big enough to fully eat flakes. They love it and I try to feed them 3 times a day
cool well if i have the money i will get some tomoz as well as some blood worm for my bigger fish or do u think that the fry will eat it as welll or do you think it is to big for them to digest
The fry might try and pick at the bloodworms but they wont be able to eat them for at least a month if not 2. The brineshrimp are a better option.
o ok fair enough is it possible for me to crush frozen brine shrimp if i carnt get baby brine shrimp
I dont see how you could crush it, they're small already just the babies are tiny tiny litle guys. If you can only get the big ones that's probably fine but I would definately go for the babies. My little guys love them!
that alrigth then coz my babys are round bout 2 or 3 weeks old i thnk 3 and i may be up for some more
when i had platy fry i fed them crushed flake food from a mortar and pestle and liquid food and the day they were born i hatched some sea monkey eggs (brine shrimp) and fed them seamnkeys but they need to be very small
when i had platy fry i fed them crushed flake food from a mortar and pestle and liquid food and the day they were born i hatched some sea monkey eggs (brine shrimp) and fed them seamnkeys but they need to be very small

Its been not far off a year since they asked this question, so i hope they know by now :lol:

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