What do you think could have killed my fish?


New Member
Aug 23, 2003
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I have a 10 gallon and started out with 10 feeder guppies (on August 2nd). BTW, I currently have 25 fry in there (24 new ones and 1, Small Fry (his name) that is around 3-4 weeks old.

Anyway, a couple of days ago I noticed one of the larger guppies had a red coloring behind his/her gills. Yesterday, I found him/her dead. What do you think could have caused that?

I have a bubble wall in the tank. Thinking of adding an air stone if there wasn't enough oxygen in there since its been hot if that could have been the problem. I had the water tested yesterday and it came out fine. The girl didn't give me the results but said all was within the normal range.

I did like a 40% water change. The other fish seem to be doing fine. The girl at the lfs said if anymore show up dead I should put some antibiotics in the water. Also to continue weekly water changes like I've been doing.

Your comments/advice are appreciated.
13 cats! My kind of person.

How long has your tank been set up?

Don't depend on lfs to do your testing. Some have people who know what they are doing and some just pretend to. Buy your on test kit. There is a type of test strip that does 5 test in 1 strip. Tests for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, and water hardness (I think on that last one).

Also, 40% is a little drastic, as you might be getting rid of too much good bacteria. Try 25% or about 2-3 inches in a 10 gallon tank until all levels are reading normal.

Let us know how things go.
Hi Raylene. :)

Red or bleeding gills is a sign of ammonia poisoning. But since you said your levels are all fine, it's probably not that. Was the fish gasping at the surface at all?

I wish we knew your levels because I haven't much faith in some lfs employees to ascertain what is normal or not.
Kissifish: I set up my tank on August 1st and added the 10 guppies the very next day. The guy at the lfs said most if not all might not make it since it takes about 4-6 weeks for the tank to cycle. I think I've been pretty lucky.

I normally do a 25% change but I was concerned so thats why I did a 40%. The girl yesterday recommended two tests for me to buy: Nitrate and Ammonia. Should I exchange these (I haven't opened them yet) for the one that does the 5 tests in 1? Thank you for your help.

SMB: Thank you for your help too. No, the fish kept swimming normal, most of the time in the middle of the tank. So I'm perplexed. Glad I have the strips though so I can see for myself the next results. They should be done weekly right?

Thanks again you two. ~hugs~
Nitrate and Ammonia. Should I exchange these (I haven't opened them yet) for the one that does the 5 tests in 1?
Do you mean nitrI instead of nitrAte? If you feel more comfortable having a nitrate test then that's perfectly fine but as long as you do regular water changes you shouldn't need it and a nitrite test might be more important.

They should be done weekly right?

Weekly or monthly or even when you see something strange in your fish's behaviour. I never do them so can't say for sure how often tho.
SMB: Nope, its NitrAte, NO³. I think I will see about exchanging them. Thanks. ~hugs~

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