What Do You Think About These Tankmates?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2008
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In my 300L I currently have 3 clown loaches. 1 whiptail catfish. 1 blue acara.

I am determined to add 2 gold severums. What other tankmates could I add?

I like the look of firemouths and convicts. I was thinking though they might b too aggresive. r there any other america/s. american cichlids that could go with severums? maybe angels? what stock would u suggest?


Any non-cichlid tankmates. to add some movement.

Also. I am adding 1 more clown loaches to make it 4 clowns.

So currently the stock is:

1 Blue acara
3 clown loaches
1 whiptail catfish
2 kuhlii loaches
1 boliv ram
What are the dimensions of the tank? I would really only add 1 severum.

EDIT: Your kuhli's may be abit of a snack for the fish as well.
What are the dimensions of the tank? I would really only add 1 severum.

EDIT: Your kuhli's may be abit of a snack for the fish as well.

Its a juwel rio, so 121 cm length and not sure about height and width. Iv removed the internal filter to make some space. I dont see why 2 severums would be a problem... is it cause of aggression? im thinking of moving the kuhliis into a 50L tank in a few weeks.
The Rio 300 is near enough 4'X20"X20"

The Ram may also be a risk from the acara when it is full grown.

Plecos are a possibility, or some of the larger armored catfishes, but these may outgrow a Rio300 with time.

Large Cichlids aren't my speciality, so wait for some of the other members to chip in.... Above are only surgestions, and knowing the fact that most of my syrgestions grow large, I may well be shot down in smoke here

All the best
Aggression betwen the sev's could be a problem, especially if you get 2 males (when I had 2, one got constantly bullied by the other).

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