what do you guys think?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2004
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I have a bad algae in my tank. Well it aint to bad but on the glass if u loook close u can see it there. I have 2 pihrana in that tank! Should i get a pleco for it. i had peaple tell me they wont touch it. Ive had peaple tell no they ll eat it. The local pet store has one in there pihrana tank and its fine. But i dont know. I thought i would hear what you guys say about it.

What color algae?

I have no idea about pirhanas so do not know what you can out in there with them but from personal experience, algae eaters cannot keep up with a tough algae problem. They try but just can't do it alone. That's not to say however that getting one is a bad idea. If there is room in the tank and the pirhanas won't hurt the pleco, it doesn't seem like it would do any harm.

I would manually clean some of the algae off with a scraper or something. Then, I would try to assess the cause of all the algae, like is your tank getting too much sunlight?

Best of luck.


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