What Do You Guys Do Or Add During A Weekly Water Change?


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
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What do you guys add during your weekly water changes or before adding new fish? I usually do the water change then mix the water conditioner and add aquarium salt per directions. Are there other things you guys do to keep stress for the fish down?
Turn the lights off. Turn the filter turn over down if its still in water or off if you doing large water change. Clean pipes out monthly while doing water changes. Depends really. Make sure the the water is about the same tempurature as the tank although a few degrees lower won't matter and has been reported to act like rain in that it will slightly cool down for a short period and warm naturally back to temp.
Turn filters off and heater. Add Seachem prime and Seachem flourish excel :good:

1)turn off lights and heater
2)reduce filter flow rate
3)remove slate/rocks/artificial plants and clean if needed
4)remove water(25%) whilst performing gravel vac
5)clean the inside of the tanks glass
6)perform filter maintnance monthly
7)temp matching water(conditioned/Tetra aquasafe)put back into tank
8)increase filters flow rate
9)turn heater back on

10)nice cup of coffee

Great I just thought I was missing out on somethings to do. Pretty much I do the same as you guys and haven't lost a fish since my aquarium's been up
Great I just thought I was missing out on somethings to do. Pretty much I do the same as you guys and haven't lost a fish since my aquarium's been up
I always found after a change my Angels would breed, never had fry as all the eggs got eaten over night.
Ya all I add right now is Prime. Waiting on some plants and I'll be dosing flourish and excel soon enough :)

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