What do you get if you cross...

Alien Anna

Fish Gatherer
Jul 10, 2002
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...a large, orange sailfin molly with a small, short-finned dalmation molly?

I used to have three pairs of mollies in my tank, all nicely matched for colour and type. However, then I went away on holiday and my tank crashed. I lost the males except for the sailfin. I thought about replacing the small, black lyretail males I lost, but then someone said the sailfin might now think the females are his and might not take kindly to other males in the tank (I think this is quite likely, judging from her personality. He does consider himself a bit of a stud).

Am I likely to get weird-coloured moggies out of the cross?

The dalmation female seems rather tiny (only about 1.5 inches long). Is she likely to be old enough to breed yet?

I appreciate any information you can give me - I'm new to livebearers.

P.S. Is it right that female guppies can look like males? If so, is this a problem?
:D if u mixed different types of mollys i would imagine u would get a nice broad mixture of different things taken form each parent and the colour would probably be orange silver and black i think its is possible for the two to mix and if u put other male in he wil porbably fish them of somthing anyways mollie female like big fins anyways lol :D :lol: and slo hear and britain the males and feamle guppuy just dnt compare males are so much more prettier than females .....males also have boby colour rather than being just silver or cream coloured bodies. plus yes the small dalmation mo,i will be able to breed cos that when mine statred to breed!!

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