What Do You Feed


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2007
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What do you feed your bettas?
I feed mine mix pellets 2 types of betta bites and 2 types of Wardley food. And then once in a while I feed them baby brine shrimp
Pro Balance Betta Food, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, Frozen tubiflex worms, and an occasional pea, I like to keep their diet varied, it keeps them interested because they never know what yummy treat they'll be getting next :D
Wardley Pellets, Occsionally flake food (only for Kyle as Kenni won't eat it), BS,frozen bloodworm, live bloodwrm,and tubifex. Also, some algea bits or some veggies occasinally, and if they're looking a bit chubby,just peas.
Betta Bio Gold pellets by Hikari - every other day - frozen bloodworms (thawed, of course) and a tiny piece of pea once a week. Don't give freeze-dried anything anymore since it apparently causes constipation in bettas. :rolleyes:
oh it does. Than I should get rid of my freeze dried blood worms.lol I don't use them anyway.
i woke up one morning to find a half eaten neon. he was a good neon, i thought he had many friends in the tank. obviously not. anyways i dropped in a lil piece of crab stick to find out who the culprit was. what happened next wasnt what i expected. derek went absolutley mad for it, attacking it and riping lil pieces off :hyper: . i dont know if i should be feeding a betta crabsticks but the way he reacted towards it i think he enjoyed it.
betta pellets once a day, frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms on the weekends. My girl get's the mix of everything that goes into the community tank. soon tho that tank will only be female bettas ^_^

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