hey all-
i was just curious about something. i have 4 ottos in my 29 Gallon planted aquarium and im not exactly sure what i should be doing with them. i understand fully that algae (growing in my tank) may not be enough food for all four of them plus two SAE's so im looking to suppliment their diet...
what do you feed your ottos?
i have some brown and redish algae on my plants... will they eat that at all? they are always stuck to the plants it seems, but they dont hurt them at all. i have green algae on the glass, but they rarely are sucking on it.... i've been putting cucumber and algae wafers in there but it doesnt seem like they find them before the other fish go to town... The wafers are about .5" in diameter and i usually add three of them. The SAE's will get in there amoungst the scrum but the Ottos dont seem to (although they may once the lights are out?).
i know ottos are pretty fragile at times and can starve to death in a tank without enough algae so please help!!
thank you!
i was just curious about something. i have 4 ottos in my 29 Gallon planted aquarium and im not exactly sure what i should be doing with them. i understand fully that algae (growing in my tank) may not be enough food for all four of them plus two SAE's so im looking to suppliment their diet...
what do you feed your ottos?
i have some brown and redish algae on my plants... will they eat that at all? they are always stuck to the plants it seems, but they dont hurt them at all. i have green algae on the glass, but they rarely are sucking on it.... i've been putting cucumber and algae wafers in there but it doesnt seem like they find them before the other fish go to town... The wafers are about .5" in diameter and i usually add three of them. The SAE's will get in there amoungst the scrum but the Ottos dont seem to (although they may once the lights are out?).
i know ottos are pretty fragile at times and can starve to death in a tank without enough algae so please help!!
thank you!