What Do You Feed Your Corydoras Catfish


TFF Contest Czar
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Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
I'm wondering if my corys are getting enough to eat---I lost one cory recently from unknown cause.   I presently just feed an algae wafer a day and Cobalt flake food.   Should i supplement a sinking pellet like shrimp pellets?  
They love shrimp pellets.  When I drop in Zucchini for my plecos, they'll even join in and munch on that.
My fishes main diet is sinking pellets. The schooling fish grab their share on the way down and the bottom feeders shovel up the rest. I also feed them flake and freeze dried blood worms. I have 6 cory sterbai, they and the angel fish make short work of whats on the bottom.
King British catfish pellets......occasionally as they tend to clean up after my discus who have a beef heart mix packed with other goodies. They also get their fair share of froze blood worm and brine shrimp.
Corys aren't algae eaters, they get little to no nutrition from it , I'd replace the algae wafer with a good catfish pellet plus live or frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp, daphnia etc a few times a week.
Similar here on the pellets as a primary food option for the tank. Flake just gets lost in silly places, and they seem to enjoy rooting around in places to find the dropped pellets amongst the wood and plants.
They also get their share of the live food that gets put in the tank occasionally.
I don't get many cories as a result due to having some larger fish in the tank, but I have more in the display than I started with and have had a couple of surprise extras in other tanks (from accidental contamination from the display into plant grow on tanks), so they're breeding on a primary diet of tetra cichlid pellets.
Used the same, sinking pellets. New Life Spectrum Betta pellets were what I fed my community tank with, Serpae tetras grabbed a lot on the way down and the pellets were just the right size for the cories! It definitely brings out the colours in your fish too. :)
Sinking pellets and tubifex worms. But just a little on the worms since they can be fattening
I feed mine micro pellets and crushed flake. I have tiny cories and these get sucked up pretty quickly and they seem to like them. I also put in algea wafers for my shrimps which they pick at. I used to feed them worms that they loved, but my supplier went out of buisness and now there's only big chain stores with no worms in my area.
sinking prllits and i also found that they love extra large ciclid pellets
Agree with most of what has been posted.  I like to feed a variety of the prepared foods to ensure good nutrition, and most any sinking food (pellets, disks, tabs) will be relished by corys.  
The shrimp pellets food is a very good basic, but your algae tablets are good too; these usually contain some "meat" along with the algae base, and the veggie aspect is good for fish nutrition as it helps the intestines function.  I am presently using Omega One shrimp pellets, Omega One Veggie Disks, and New Life Spectrum sinkling pellets .5 and 1 mm sizes.  The latter feed the upper fish too, but sufficient also sink for the corys to eat.
As someone mentioned, go easy on frozen bloodworms; once or at most twice a week is the max.

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