What Do You Feed Your Bettas


i lurvs the feesh 3
Oct 26, 2007
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ok doing a survey what do you feed your bettas and when ?

I feed mine only frozen foods 2 times a day!
betta pellets i bought of ebay, think they are made from brine shrimp and things....makes him colour up nicely and he loves them, and once a week i roll some in garlic juice.....also give him a starve day once a week now too.
he's fed once a day :good:
We feed Hikari Betta Bio Gold which we give twice a day and frozen bloodworm twice a week. They also pinch some of the discus bits that we feed to the Corys.
Frozen blood worms and Hikari Betta Bio Gold...he loves the things!

Usually 2-3 pellets in morning and 3 pellets in evening...blood worms when i can remember
I try to vary what they get and when....

Hikari Betta pellets
Frozen Brine Shrimp
Frozen Bloodworm

It depends what I feed our 28gallon.
I have a rotation where it gets frozen brine shrimp 2 days in a row, so my betta girls will get some of it.
Then I skip a day where I don't feed the 28gal in the morning... so the girls will get pellets. I try to make sure each of them gets 2 pellets each.
My males.. they get 3-4 pellets in the morning and then at night they all get frozen bloodworm.
I feed the 28gal tank frozen bloodworm every night and save enough for the bettas.
Frozen bloodworm, live baby brineshrimp and i do occasionally chuck some microworms in although i doubt if they can see them !!!
he eats my chiclids flakes
brine shrimp
algea wafers
catfish pellets

anything that goes in the tank he scoffs
I cant handle the fz blood worms. and warming them up in a glass of warm water they smell so gross. I am a weenie and I know it.
what i want to know is why my fighter, when i feed him on flake food, spits out the pink bits.

he will eat all the other colours, but the pink he eats then spits out...

are the flakes different flavours or does he just not like pink (can fish see colours?)
pass? maybe they taste diff

mine eats everything and anything lol
Aqua Culture Betta pellet food..maybe 4 pellets a day
freeze dried blood worms twice a week

If a fishes stomach is (estimated) size of his eye wouldn't feeding him 4 pellets a day and a little something else at night be over feeding..? Don't know just asking... :hyper:

I was also told to not feed one day a week to prevent constipation..is that a good thing to do?
lemme know!
Mine get Tetra Betta, which is what they were fed in the shop. They get fed twice a day, usually the Tetra Betta flakes, but also freeze dried daphnia and bloodworms to vary it a bit.
what i want to know is why my fighter, when i feed him on flake food, spits out the pink bits.

he will eat all the other colours, but the pink he eats then spits out...

are the flakes different flavours or does he just not like pink (can fish see colours?)

Ya know, that's a good question.
When I used to feed the 28gal flake food.. all of them except for the cories would pass on the white flakes. Some of them didn't even bother trying to eat it, they just avoided it. And the others that did eat some always spit it back out... *shrugs* Maybe they do have a different taste.
hikkari bio-gold, a mixed box from various hikkari foods and king brittish corry pellets, frozen foods as often as possible usualy daily

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