What Do You Feed Your Betta(s)?


New Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Just curious what eveyone is feeding their bettas; whether it be live, frozen, freeze-dried, synthestic (flakes and such).

Right now I'm feeding my male CT pellets but would like to add more diversity to his diet.
Mine get the same as all the fish I have, flaked, live (blood, daphnia, grindal worms) granules and they love it all.

But if I'm going to breed any of them then I try to get more live food than usual especially bloodworms, if I can't get live then I have freeze dried that they take with no problems. :wub:
adults and juvies gets pellets once a day 9wardley or hikari). For juvies I smash them.

If not pellets, I give betta flake (I try to make sure all my kids take all their different kinds of foods so they will in other homes later). I will also give crushed flake to grow out babies

Once a day, they get live/frozen (usually white worm, grindals, bs or bw). I have been limiting bloodworm to the leftovers for the others ,when I am conditioning breeders since i have such a bad allergy to them)

hatchlings get microwrms/bc/first bites 3-5x day. I start them on grindals at one month, and white worms a week or so later....by 2 mons they get small pieces of bw/bs.
Daily, I give her betta pellets. Once or twice a week, she gets blood worms. And every other week, she gets a pea.
Hikari Pellets, Betta Bites Pellets, & Tadpole pellets (Pitaya gets Hikari Micropellets because her mouth is too small for the others). Then, usually daily or every other day, frozen blood worms and brine shrimp. On perhaps a weekly basis, live foods like neo-natal crickets (smaller than pinheads from my own breeding stock) and fruit flies are fed. And, on very rare occasions as a treat, daphnia and flakes are given, but only in small amounts and pre-soaked because of the problems they can cause.

I like to feed a wide variety of foods. If there is anything I learned getting my animal nutrition certification, it is that variety truly is the spice of life, and is absolutely necesarry to maintain the good health of an animal.
I generally use a various mixture of what others have listed above, but I have also found that my boy and everyone in his community tank are big fans of fresh cucumbers and peas chopped up into small pieces. This gets the biggest frenzy of any food I drop in there except maybe the live baby brine shrimp! :drool:
Just curious what eveyone is feeding their bettas; whether it be live, frozen, freeze-dried, synthestic (flakes and such).

Right now I'm feeding my male CT pellets but would like to add more diversity to his diet.
Mine get, a variety of foods.

1. Fruit Flies
2. HBH Betta Bites
3. Freeze Dried Daphnia
4. Freeze Dried Blood Worms
5. Frozen Brine Shrimp
6. crushed Sun Dried Shrimp
7. Confused Flour Beetle Larvae
8. insides of smashed Peas

They really go crazy over the frozen brine shrimp and the confused flour beetle larvae.
I feed my adult "kids" flakes and mosquito larvae. My week-old fry are living on mashed hard boiled egg yolk diluted in water. :hey:


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