What Do You Feed Your Angelfish?

whatis your angels staple diet?

  • cichlid food

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • tropical fish food

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • live foods

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
Not angelfish, but my discus (and tankmates), but I'm told it's good for angels too.

1 cup of mussels (raw if possible, cooked will do)
1 cup of shrimps (raw if possible, cooked will do)
1 cup of white fish (cod for example)
1/2 cup of peas, courgette, spinach, carrot and similar veggies
1 vitamin pill (human ones)
1 teaspoon of spirulina
3 cloves of garlic
I also add a level teaspoon of paprika because it's good for red colours. If your angels don't have any red just skip this.
Liquidize the lot.

Add equal parts of
- high quality flake (D-50 for example)
- dried bloodworm, tubifex, brine shrimp or daphnia
To dry up the liquidized food a bit and turn it into a thick paste

To thicken the paste I use agar agar, many people use gelatine which is just as good, I just find that agar agar holds better in the water.

Pour it in shallow containers to set and when set put it in the freezer.

Break off bits, defrost and feed to the greedy mouths.
It is quite a job, but I usually make enough to last a couple of months, so it's about half an hour to an hour's work for two months of food.
My Angel eats the same as all the other fish in my tank - regular tropical flakes and pellets, with blood worms once a week.  He's a guts, though, and would eat anything he could fit in his mouth :p
Dang that's some intense home-making of food.   Garlic?  Why? Just curious...

(Do discus like garlic as a spice for their meat like humans?)
Elrohirthehasty said:
Dang that's some intense home-making of food.   Garlic?  Why? Just curious...

(Do discus like garlic as a spice for their meat like humans?)
It helps to keep intestinal parasites away, and yes, it is an appetite enhancer.
Well... I like cooking anyway, and as I said it's only a once in two months or so event, so no worries there.
You should see how the fish rush to gobble this food compared to when I feed them bloodworm or brine shrimp!
After reading that, my angelfish' diet seems pretty pathetic but here it is:
-4 cichlid pellets daily
-flake food daily
-bloodworms/daphnia/prawns (usually a mix of two) every other day
ok but would you say flakes as the staple or pellets.
Mine aren't angels but I feed my festivums hikari cichlid gold every day and frozen blood worms 3 times a week. That's an impressive diet Zante, how did you come about that recipe? Do you think it would benefit most cichlids?
I simply did a bit of research on various beefheart recipes.
I decided I didn't want my fish eating meat, so I replaced the beef heart with mussels and shrimp.

My discus enjoy it very much, as do my rams and keyholes. The rummynoses and corys also seem to like it.

It's not a staple for my other tanks, more of a treat.
Elliotis will demolish anything, and they seem to like it.
My jaguar juveniles also seem to enjoy it very much
I very occasionally put some in my shrimp tank and they go berserk

I don't feed it to my reef because the currents pulverise it immediately, but I tried it once by switching the pumps off for a while and the fish demolished the cube I'd put in

I'd recommend this recipe for any freshwater carnivorous fish. Should be ok for marine too, but I am a bit of a noob with marine, so take it with a pinch (aha) of salt.
Well... what's the point of having fish if not make them happy and keep them healthy? ;)
f.d tubifex
f.d plankton
f.d mysis
fry pellets

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