What Do You Feed Tiny Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2007
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i have bought severn baby ish green neon tetras and they dont seen to want to eat from the surface at all the guy in the shop said to just crumble a fish flake in there for them but they dont seem to care for it
i would get a frozen bloodworm cube and dice half of it up into small pieces with a knife and feed them this
edit; if you use a knife with a serrated edge and cut with a sawing action it is easier
try baby brine shrimp or daphnia.
as for commercially prepared foods look for liquedfry number3
i've got frezze dried blood worm and daphina but again they dont seem to want it, im in a hard water area so could this put them off eating as all the other levels are spot on

I have some Neons and they don't particularly like eating flake food from the surface, if they do they seem to get bloaty bellies and swim vertically and find it hard to swim down they seem to float to the surface. :huh:

I feed them a variety pack of frozen food and they seem to like it!
my neon tetra go mad when they feed dont leave anything and swim fine after even day one they eat like they havent fora few days!

edit: i feed them tetra ruby (apparently it enhance's colour?)
just to point out green neon tetras are a different species from neon tetras
P.simulans (green neon) & P.innesi (neons)

Green neons are very small in comparrison
check out the profile I did on them in our fish index.
yes adding aquarium peat to your filter, it is that simple.
My little tetras dig Hikari Micro Pellets. You can float it or swirl it in the water.


yup, my microrasboras love the stuff. in the lfs they couldn't get them to touch anything but live food, but within a week or so of having them they go more crazy for micropellets than they do for live food. :good:

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