what do you do.....


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
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new jersey
well its that time of year and i was wondering whether or not i should buy 20 little heaters or force my parents to turn the heat up what do you all do?
Its cheaper to heat tank individually than it is to space heat, must have a really hot room to keep the water temp up in the 80`s :huh: :huh:
Bettaman said:
Its cheaper to heat tank individually than it is to space heat, must have a really hot room to keep the water temp up in the 80`s :huh: :huh:
In the 80's? :dunno:

I keep my bettas in the 70's. :nod:

My apartment has radiators (it's an old building) and I can't really controll the heat, but it gets quite warm.
here is what i do and so far it's working out great :D

i live in canada, and it's starting to get cool now. So what i did was take a telephone boko adn covered the vent, and then got myself one of thsoe mini room heater things.

I had one stashed in the basement, it uses 1500W or 700W (you can set it) i use the 700W, and it works like a heater..when the tempreature reaches a certain degree it'll turn off, when it drops it'll turn back on again.

Then i always keep the door closed, so that the heat doesnt' escape :D works great! the temp says at 75-80F at all times :thumbs:
70`s is fine as well, i keep my fish in a purpose built fish house, so it makes it easier for me,as they are not in the main house, i use heaters in the tanks so each can be adjusted slightly for breeding, rather than all the same as with heating the room, if like cutecotton say you keep the room warm and no problems but it will drop fast a room can drop 10 degree in seconds, if a door is left open or any cold air gets in and take quite a while to heat back up, if only it was a SUMMER all year round no problems :( :(
I do basically the same as CC...most of my fish are in the "fish room", which is a bedroom, and I have a portable radiator heater I use to heat the room, whether it's cheaper or not, I'm not sure, but it sure is easier than using heating pads, which is what I did when I only had a few tanks to keep heated. No way I could do that now with spawns growing up and lots of jarred males, the plugs would be crazy, haha.

Same dilemma (except instead of 20 I only have 6 :p ). They sell these little heaters here, 5watts and supposedly that's the rule of thumb right? 5 watts per 5 liters? What do you guys thing about those??
Mmmm... good question don't remember the company who makes them, but they're these little things.. looks about the size of a test tube and here they have 5w, 10w, 15, etc etc. :unsure: They're the kind you can't regulate though. I"ll have a check on the name today since I'm going to get a new fish bowl :D

Oh yeah, they cost something like 1.50 USD-2.00 USD
You get some kind of large shallow container...put about 4" of water in it...stand your little tanks in it...then heat the big container with a regular sized aquarium heater
clutterydrawer said:
You get some kind of large shallow container...put about 4" of water in it...stand your little tanks in it...then heat the big container with a regular sized aquarium heater
Oooh that's a good idea!!! :cool:
My fishroom is outside in Wyoming so I definately run into this :nod: I have a space heater year round and I keep the room at 82-84F, nice and toasty :thumbs:
cutecotton said:
got myself one of thsoe mini room heater things.
That's my plan too. I saw an awesome room heater with digital temp and a remote at Costco yesterday. It is sooo mine next week.

Today I'm tearing down one shelving unit so I can put plastic covering over the windows to cut down on cold air.

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