What Do You Do With Fry

love cichlids

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2005
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Just wondering what do you do will all the grown fry you get out of breeding. I know sometimes you can get quite alot out of one breeding pair. How many do you keep, if you keep any, who do you sell or trade to???
most people on here offer them to ppl who are interested, and i suspect the rest are either kept / gone to the local fish store for free ( many fish shops will not buy as they only trust profesional breeding sellers )
Yeah, You can give them away to me, I mean to the pet store. :shifty: . Well theres lots of things you can do to them. Sell them, if there nicely colored then you can bid them on ebay or something.
My last spawn resulted in 88 fry of which so far I have 29 males with more showing everyday in the grow-out tank as late developers. I will pick the best 4 males and 8 females to continue to breed F2 and the rest will be offered for sale privately or to my lfs who gives me half the value in store credit.
My first spawn resulted in 198 adults, most of which were given out to people on this forum, and I saved a few of my faves to auction off on Aquabid.com :)
I kept 2 males and 1 female for the next generation.
I have around 30 friends + family who want baby Bettas for the new year ;)... there are also lots of people in my Betta club who are buying them, some will be shipped out to friends from boards and some TFF members, and if I have any that are ridiculously beautiful I might auction them off on Aquabid. I really do want to try to avoid shipping most of them, and I won't be selling to pet stores at all. Even the awesome pet feed/aquarium store where I work... because I want to know who is adopting my babies and I need to know they're going to be treated with care.

My kiddos will be ready for their new homes around mid-January, I have 80-ish fry. Yes, I cannot count them. :rolleyes:
Why not snap shots and offer them for sale in this forum?

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