What Do You Do With Dead Fish?

tropical fishies

Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
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Leeds, Uk
Well, i am a strong beliver that everyone and everything should have pride in death, so i bury my fish
but ui was just wondering what you do?
Depends what fish it is I have a pair of marbled motoro and a tigrinus cat in my freezer in my shed.
fire up the barbie!

seriously though, when i had my last tank we just tended to flush dead fish down the loo :whistle:
small fish i flush, but do flush with respect and say a goodbye to them.

bigger fish i guess if and when they die, will have to be buried or thrown (or i could always chop them up and freeze them to feed the other fish with......joke!!!!)
The few that we have lost over the years have been buried. My daughter insists they be buried and she chooses a rock to sit on the top of the dirt so she knows where they are..
aww come on, dont be mean!

The fish will huant you... you'll never be abl;e to eat sushi or fish pie in peace ever agian!
I used to flush them down the toilet when i was younger, but these days i can't bring myself to do it; i feel mean. :/ Now i bury them in the back garden.
after caring for the fish and seeing them everyday, i would bury me fish if ( god forbid ) one should die, i thinks its nicer to bury them.

but we have no grass and we have wild rabbits that would dig them up -_- :(
aww come on, dont be mean!

The fish will huant you... you'll never be abl;e to eat sushi or fish pie in peace ever agian!
The one's I've lost have gone in the garbage can outside. I didn't have those fish long enough to get attached though. In the future I might be more respectful but hopefully that day is years off.

I've eaten sushi right next to my tank, mostly as a warning.

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