What do you do in powercut


New Member
Feb 17, 2004
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Lincolnshire, England
Ever the pessimist!!!

What would you do in a powercut.

I have a three foot and a two foot tank. Both are filtered and heated.

What is your advice in the event of a powercut to try and keep all fish surviving
power cuts are very rare and if you did, i wouldn't think that it would be off for more that an hour. I'd get some battery air pumps and keep the water circulating. I would turn up the heating in the room to keep the waer temp up and maybe insulate the tank. If you wanted, you could hire a generator and that would keep the tanks running while the power was off.

ste :)
if you have a gas stove/hob then you can warm up water and pour it into bottles then place the bottles in to the tanks to maintain temp.. and battery powered air pumps to run air sponge filters if necessary.
If you had a power cut that was long enough to affect the water temp - then I'd cover up the tank with a thick insulating blanket.

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