what do you americans do with your fry?


Nov 4, 2003
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just wondering, post here what you do w/ them, what kinds they are, and where you live...

my goal here is a few things, 1 to find out what you do w/ your fry(witch interests me) 2 to possibly get a few unwanted fry for free or very cheap(also interests me) 3 to hook up others with possible fry connections(interests others) and 4 to preserve the fish population :)

also i ment african mbuna's(only)
When I am overrun with livebearer fry I just stop rescuing them from the community tank - seems like perhaps 5 from a batch still survive but that's life... At the end of the school year (which was yesterday) I offer up the fish that we have grown to the students that helped with their care all year. This year 12 parents responded that they would like to participate in the addoption and each family recieved 6 to 10 fry/fish depending on their tank situation or wishes. No problem there - I'm back down to manageable levels and ready for the summer with seperated males and females...

A great solution to get rid of unwanted guppy babies in a tank is to get tiger barbs. Works in about one day. Then you have very fat and happy tiger barbs. I know it's mean :grr: but that's mother nature. :/ Guppies are just part of the food chain. Actually, IMO, if they survive the tiger barbs, they're worth protecting!!
Of course I know some fellow fishkeepers who totally hate the idea, but then again, it's just an opinion.
I keep every single babie that I can get a hold of I couldn't feed them to a pack of hungry fish. I know that is what people does but I couldnt sit and watch a babie run from a Monster. I wish my Cichlids would have me some babies I have a nice big 20 gallon tank waiting for them. That is what this american does for the fry that she gets.
My platys that breed like crazy get traded in to the lfs for credit when they get to 1" in length. If I kept them all I would be overrun with fish. They help pay for some food and supplies. Angels get traded in too, the culls go to my neighbor with a rbp.

Culling does not make me happy. It is a difficult, yet necessary thing for the general good of the fishkeeping hobby. You have to remember that keeping fish in a glass cage is an unnatural situation, and some people, in trying to keep this little slice of nature, forget that. In the wild the culls would not survive, and it helps me to keep this in mind when I must do this.

I don't strip my fryeri or my O.B.'s....as for what happens to the unwanted fry....take a guess. I just choose to not watch. I love having the parents, they are beautiful, but the babies are MANY and impossible to sell around here. Fryeri, around 80-160 a month, O.B.'s around the same.
freshmike where you live at? why dont you hook me up w/ some of them fryeri fry ill pay s$h (im not pos i want them give me a few weeks heh)(i still havent made up my mind what fish imma have)

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