what do u do with fish when


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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im not, but i was wondering? i know id take my betta w/me but what would i do w/the rest?
As long as your tank is well cycled they will be fine for about a week. They can pick around for food in the gravel or on plants. Don't get those dissolving weekend feeder things though. Why would you take the betta with you? They can go without food for a while? :dunno:
You'd take your betta with you?!

Er...if it's up to 14 days I'd leave them without feeding etc unless I had a trusted friend to feed them for me. Other than that I'd need an automatic feeder or bribe a friend and hide the food that wasn't in a plastic cup ready for them.
I do a big water change the day I go, and make sure the filters, heaters, etc are running properly. If I'm going away for a week or less, I don't worry about them. More than that, I get my neighbour to feed them once or twice (using premeasured amounts. ;))
lol, the bettas my favorite male, id feel lost w/out the poor little guy, and i think he likes my attention, also i keep him in my room because its always hot up there, and if i go away i cant put him w/the other fish, nipper (some of my brothers are) and he minght eat my guppy. also if i put him in the basement room hed freeze 2 death. i think i would be better for him if he came, lol. but i honestly dont know.
he is saying he cant move them. bettas should be fine without food for a week or less as well
We're also leaving for about 5 days in a couple of weeks. I've read previous posts where people said it was ok to leave them without food for a week but my poor oscar will starve to death! He's so spoiled. He loves and looks forward to his daily pellet treats. I guess this means he'll have to fast for a few days :shifty: .
This is going to be a problem for me too next winter as i'll be heading to Asia for a month...I don't think my sister or my mom with put up changing water everyother day, the rest of my fish would be fine without a month of water change but i don't know if my Discus would.....
fish can go without food for up to three weeks. holding females will not eat, exzcept for an occassional few. i fast my fish once a week. every saturday when i do water changes. they will be fine as long as you check out the equipment.

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