What Do These Clowns Have?


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2006
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My roommates fish have gotten sick with what we thought was ick, treated for that with organic meds and nothing helped. Now they look fuzzy with spots (very 3D spots). Treating with organic fungus treatment and no change either. i'll post pictures i don't know how good of quality they are tho because they're so dang fast! they are in a hospital tank as of right now. I don't know what to do so any advice would be great!!





Could be Lymphocystis or Brook-nelly-something; the former is akin to the common cold but the latter is often fatal.

I wouldn't trust me, however; my knowledge of ichthyoid pathothology is lacking.
Its most likely Brooknella, which Clownfish are susceptible to.
If you add a U.V sterilizer it will kill all the dodgy bacteria in your water and if that is white spot chances are it will kill the white spot too.
I'll agree, brooknella most likely. Very similar to ich. I'd treat with hyposalinity, and frequent garlic-laced feedings.
Lets just say I'm not what they call a "fish expert" but both of my Gouramis died from "Columnaris." It's a fuzzy fungus that overtakes their body and kills them.

I treated with Maracyn but to no avail.

Im sure Im a total n00b, so if this sounds dumb or not right at all, please ignore!!!

--Jim C.
if it is brooknella can you explain some of the treatments available because we've never heard of this before since we're kinda new at the whole saltwater thing. i've heard of garlic feedings but what does this mean? and as for a UV sterilizer my roommate's funds won't allow for that and they only make them for larger tanks, hers is a 20 gallon nano tank. so any explaination of those treatments would be great! and thanks for the response
Either get a hold of Garlic Guard from your local reef store, or go to the supermarket and purchase some minced garlic in the jar. Add a couple drops of either to frozen food before you feed the tank and allow it to soak in at least 30 minutes before feeding.

Are there corals in the tank? If NOT, I'd suggest a hyposalinity treatment in conjunction with garlic feedings. Lower your specific gravity to 1.017-1.019 for at least a month to kill off the parasites which cannot tolerate the low sg.

Above all keep the fish well fed, in a low stress environment, and water conditions stable. Some strains of brooknella can be fought off by the fish's own immune system if it's given a fighting chance :good:.

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