What do sharks mix with?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 21, 2005
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Hi all

I'm setting up a new tank and am thinking of keeping a couple of sharks in my tank.

What fish will they mix with and whats the minium tank size for them?
cheers all
What kind of sharks are you planning on keeping?

Better yet, what size of tank do you have.
I'm guessing you've either seen Bala (silver) sharks or red-tailed black sharks as these are the most popular and widely available in the hobby.

Bala sharks need at least a 75 gal, preferably bigger tank due to the size they reach so don't even consider them unless you have this in mind. They are schooling fish and should be kept in at least groups of 3. They are very peaceful fish.

RTBS need a minimum of 25 US gallons, again preferably more. They should be kept on their own as they are highly agressive towards their own species and any other shark species or even similar shaped fish.

They are both great species but do your research if you are considering getting either of them.

Hope this helps
Hi wilder, I think you should rename yourself to linkman :lol: .

The number of useful and informative links you post is unbelievable. Keep up the good work. :D
Thanks guys, fall on them by luck sometimes.
I saw a shark in Harmar that grew to 33 INches!
Know anymore, because I am also looking at sharks.
for all the help.

Its only a 15Gal tank so it looks like i can't keep sharks.

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