What Do I Need?


Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
i have already have a marine nano running . . . its a biorb :crazy: . and i want a more natural looking tank as the sphere distorts the view.

i have a 60 litre rectangular tank. it already has a filter installed which has a:
white cotton wool at the top
then a carbon sponge then a
nitrite removal sponge
then a blue sponge for harbouring bacteria.

will this be addaquete for a fowlr system?

i know i need live rock how much for a 24" by 12"
i need new lighting going for an arcadia luminare with 4 t5 tubes at 24 watts each 96 watts in total
do i need a protein skimmer
do i need a ro unit i can buy RO water from the lfs
i need more power heads.
what marine salt should i used
i will be using caribsea sand

what else will i need?

i plan to keep to false percula clowns
and various clean up crew and zoads.

any help apprecited

thanks truck
I'll answer these briefly, but I'd do a little bit of reading on a lot of these items to really understand them :)

LR, probably around 8-10kg
Don't need a skimmer, waterchanges are easy on an aquarium of this small size
You don't NEED an RO unit, but having one and making your own water is cheaper in the longterm
Aim for 1200L/hr worth of flow from powerheads (tank volume times 20)
You can use just about any salt you want
Sand is fine
thanks. but the current pumo i have is 300 litres an hour so another 2 pumps that mangae about 500 litres an hour would be sufficient? as there cheap anyway
Yup, remember, if you overshoot a little things will probably be just fine :)
Most lfs sell it between £10 and £12 per kilo. You can get it cheaper online. If your lfs is close to you and you put some thought into transporting it wet then you have a chance of a fairly quick cycle. Ordering online will probably extend the cycle period due to the amount of die-off you are likely to get. This is a generalisation though and depends a lot on the quality of the live rock wherever you buy it.

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