What do i need to breed Platys?

Suggest 1 male to 3 females, in a nice tank with good water chemistry and leave them to get on with it.

sure enough you will be loaded :D
Hey again!!,
Um this time i was wondering if the platys will breed if there are other fish in the tank with them, the fish are 7 Neon Tetras, I have bought 5 Platys and there doesnt seem to be much action, any suggestions to help them along? :thumbs:
lol well ur platie female are probably already been mated with and are pregannt from being in ur fish store cos they mix male with females that how most of my fry came from buying already preganant fish...... and if u se them mating then that is a sign of abaies coming sometime later about month or bit later than a month...... if u have any really fat females they are pregannt ... i am sorry but i can't wirte everything i know or u might need to know about them soooooooo ask more questions which i havnt ansered......... :D :thumbs: also if i want to learn more and not spend money on a book use the internet dnt just wait for every on eesle to tell u answer ur probably more likely to remember stuff if u do a searh on the net thats how i learned so much i nknow its was onluy resently i actually bought a samml book on livebearers :thumbs: :D and google rule for these searches on livebearers some mnay sites! 8) :hyper:

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