What do I do?


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Hi all
I noticed that a plant in my new females tank had fallen
over so I went to upright it and found this

What should I do?
I have Splash, my male butterfly vieltail, should I add him?
Please any advise is very much appreciated. :S
NO, its a bubble nest!

come one betta people help me here :S
It just means that your girl is happy & healthy... no need to add a male betta. In fact, I'd advise against it unless you want to put all that time, effort, and energy into breeding them.
Leave it as is - as it appears she LOVES the arrangment. It might not be correct by our standards, but, as you can see, it definitely bodes well with her. :)
One of my most recently spawned girls has taken to nesting allll over the sisterly community tank. I'm sure the sisters are worried about her but she enjoys it :rolleyes:

But I agree, don't spawn just to do it. Baby bettas are alot of work and besides that....it would be a backwards spawn :lol:

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