What Do I Do With Platy Fry?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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my platy is going to have fry soon or my other one is too and im new to this thing so im just wondering...what do i do to make sure the babies wont die?
Adult fish will eat the fry. Move the pregnant Platy to a breeding tank if you can, and reduce the stress on that fish. If you can't put her in a separate tank, a breeding trap is an option, but that might cause too much stress on the fish. If you don't want to remove the pregnant Platy and want the babies in the same tank, some floating plants will provide cover for them. I think a separate tank for the fry is the best bet.

They can eat normal fish food flakes, but just crush it up real fine into a powder almost.

my platy is going to have fry soon or my other one is too and im new to this thing so im just wondering...what do i do to make sure the babies wont die?

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