What Do Baby Cherry Shrimp Look Like ?


Fish Herder
Nov 12, 2005
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Nottingham UK
Had some shrimp on their own for a few weeks now, and have seen some tiny - less than 1mm shrimp shaped things, that MUST be babies....

Today I was going to "vac" the substrate, and thought I had better check theres no nippers about, and saw what I thought was bits of muck blowing about in the water.... on closer inspection they were SWIMMMING ! something like daphnia, waaaayyy to small to see any shape - just white specks !

Are these even tinier shrimp ? or has something else moved in ? (apart from the ****ing snails :/ )
Had some shrimp on their own for a few weeks now, and have seen some tiny - less than 1mm shrimp shaped things, that MUST be babies....

Today I was going to "vac" the substrate, and thought I had better check theres no nippers about, and saw what I thought was bits of muck blowing about in the water.... on closer inspection they were SWIMMMING ! something like daphnia, waaaayyy to small to see any shape - just white specks !

Are these even tinier shrimp ? or has something else moved in ? (apart from the ****ing snails :/ )

Could be although could be cyclops, I get a lot of cyclops in my shrimp tank.
The baby cherry shrimp are the same shape as the adults, they are pretty colourless for the first few days, they rarely swim for the first week or two. In shrimp only tanks cyclops as T says and seed shrimp among other micro critters grow well. The micro critters are a sign of good water quality. If I get egg layer fish fry, I put them in with the shrimp for the first few weeks.
This is what a day-old cherry shrimp look like (probably about 2mm long). It's on Willow moss if it helps :) Agree with T and Liam about the micro critters.

Heres the best I could do handheld... macro and max magnification, for a bit of scale - those "rocks" at the bottom are FINE SAND !!!!!

If they ARE cyclops, are they doing any harm in there ?

They are seedshrimp an ostracod, no problem for the shrimp, if they can live in the water your shrimp will be happy. Their numbers don't grow that much, I quite like them.
Thanks for that... looked at other pics on the web, and Im sure you are right.... so they are ok to leave in then ? Did a water change today, and got hundreds of them in the bottom of the bucket ! Didnt notice them at first, but I did see a few baby shrimp... so I let the gunk settle, and fished them out with my trusty turkey baster.
Once the water had cleared the bottom was MOVING with the little beggars ! lol (they all ended up on the grass... )

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