What Difference Sunlight ?


New Member
Oct 6, 2005
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Buckden, Cambridgeshire
i love my planted tank, its in my front room that is triple aspect. Great for us but is is great for algae too ? The only place I can have it in the room is opposite a south facing wall that has two full length windows, the room is narrow and the tank does get natural light most of the afternoon. Does this really make a difference given that some people run their tank lights for 12 hours ?

Ive struggled with the balance of the tank and in an effort to rectify it have replanted recently with some fast growers. My lighting times are 4-3-5, today my kh is 7.5, ph 6.8, NO3 5ppm, PO4 - dont have to dose this as my tap water is 2ppm, 3.2 wpg, pressurised CO2 today is about 2bpm fed straight into the inlet for my external filter.
Sunlight isn't bad per se, its just that's is ultra intense, and that it generally enough to send the balance in a tank out of kinter, which results in algae. Some people have planted tanks and just use sunlight, but you have to be ultra spot on with water changes, ferts, co2 etc, so not for the inexperienced!

Preventing sunlight (well lots certainly) getting to the tank means everything that goes on in the tank is control by you :)


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