What did I do??


Hammer Time
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
I brought the last 10 BN Plecos from a huge spawn from a year and a half ago to a family owned fish store. Original spawn was 69 Plecos. I gradually have brought all of them to this fish store. I don't want to breed fish.

In my 5 gallon I had 2 endlers that I got a few months ago with a store credit. When I went to the fish store today, I got another $20 credit so I bought 3 more endlers and a couple of nerite snails. I mistakenly bought 3 females today thinking the ones in my tank were females as well. Well I now believe the 2 endlers previously in my tank are males as they have light blue tails.
If I now have 3 females endlers and 2 male endlers, how quickly are these fish going to breed? I really don't want any more endlers or any other fish for that matter at this time. I have been downsizing my tanks which at the moment consist of a 5 gallon and a 29 gallon tank.
What should I do now?
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Eek! I haven't kept endlers ever, or any liver bearers, in a very long time. But my understanding, from friends w/endlers, they don't eat fry. So, prepare for an overpopulated tank soon.

How convenient to have a family LFS, lol. How much do you love the endlers? How many would the LFS need to devote a tank for them? More than just a few I bet. Are they the same strain or "mutts"?

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