What Decorations do you use?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2003
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What interesting decorations have you put in your aquarium?

I'm just trying to get some ideas on how to decorate my tank so it won't be so boring.
I like natural stuff, so I just have rocks and plants. No all of my plants are real, but they make such good artificial plants now, that they still look very nice.
I have at least one rock-pile in each of my tanks, with places for the fish to hide.

I think most of my fish occasionly use it for a time-out.

I get my rocks from creeks, wash them well, and soak them in boiling water.

I like to use rocks that are all the same type and color for each tank, and I coordinate the color with the gravel.

It's a good idea to test any rocks by dropping some vingegar on them: If it bubbles, don't use them.
I use plants, some plants, and some more plants. :D

Plus a piece of driftwood or two.

I often use two pieces of slate-like (i.e. flat) rocks to make "tent caves".

Plus a few assorted rocks.

I did make one concession for Da Wife, though, and put in a smallish plastic Olmec head in one of the tanks. It's about half covered with algae now, and doesn't look too "plastic-y".
I have quite a lot of driftwood, some with plants grafted onto it like anubias. I also have plants in the substrate. All of my tanks are different though. One is pretty heavily planted with drift wood, the second is more sparesly planted with val along the back, a rock cave and less driftwood and the last has large round pebbles and banana lilies (bottom mostly bare due to fry but will change to black sand).
I love watching the fish interact in a really interesting environment:

A big rubber Rancor monster lurking behind/through some plants, a lot of agates, quartz, and other found rocks, a huge rock from the front yard, two old fired clay sculptures I made in high school (one with a air stone in it that I turn on sporadically), a fake bonzai tree that actually works well, a geode (under the bonzai) a half-buried Terminator robot, some African rootwood, a plasteresque gargoyle statue barely visible, and a whole ton of mostly good-looking fake plants, coming from below and above (some from the craft store which are the best looking and yet cheapest of the bunch ... will play with some real plants once I get my tank fully stocked with fish).

Watching the tiger barbs swim in and out of the Rancor's mouth, and sometimes peck at his teeth as though cleaning them, is pretty ####in cool.
Natural look for me all the way. ;)

I use lots of plants - yes, even though they are plastic, they still look very real. I also use the hanging ones with the suction cups, because my fish love to play in and around them and it also provides hiding places near the top of the tank. :nod:
Pieces of rock - usually flat rocks like slate...my plec loves them :wub:
55g:Live plants, rocks, plastic leaning tower of pizza, ceramic rock formation, plastic driftwood.
30g: Little broken down looking army tank, shark that covers up 'ing' on a no fishing sign :rolleyes: , rocks, live plants, plastic fern stuff that floats :lol: ,and pvc pipes
5g: live plants, rocks, red/white/blue gravel
20g quarantine: Rocks, plants, and pvc pipes
Do fish count as decoration? :lol:
All of my tanks have some kind of sunken underwater ships in them. It just looks real cool to see them swim through the wreckage of Titanic, or one half of a sailing ship.

I also have a rock caves for hiding and plants.
ive got 3 rusty coloured rocks, 2 small pieces of wood, a pot (which was mainly for the clown loaches that i dont have anymore :-( ), lots of roundish smooth white stones and, um, o yes! plants (live of course)
I mainly decorate with rock formations, most of my tanks have very little substrate, often not even enough to completely cover the bottom ( before I fill my tanks with water I paint the bottom of the them usually a dark brown color, on the outside of course, easier to keep clean ) some tanks get pieces of driftwood, cichlids usually get a clay flowerpot or cave structure of some kind, I have about given up on plastic plants as most of my tanks have some sort of floating live plant. I keep a few "pretty" tanks ( mostly my salt tanks ), but most of my tanks now are more "functional", with the needs of the fish more important than how the tank looks. Yeah...I'm outta control, just ask the wife :rolleyes:
Sorry, I'm not trying to be pedantic (really), I just had to check:

plastic leaning tower of pizza

dwarfs, did you actually mean pizza (food)? I hope you meant pisa (tower in Italy). Although a leaning tower of pizza would look pretty cool!


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