What Decor Might A Snail Enjoy?


Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
I've done it! I went out and bought a 14 US gallon tank which will be devoted solely to my lovely apple snails! :hyper: Right now, as it's cycling, it's completely bare, gravel only. I plan to add something to it, though I don't know what. :blink: I'd prefer to avoid live plants, as I've no experience with them, but all other recommendations would be greatly appreciated. :good:
Hi there,

Mine have;

A big hollow skull, rounded stones, some wood and a few plants (java moss, Elodea crispa and java fern) and seem quite happy) the Elodea crispa is good holiday food when away.

As long as they can get some shade, they don't need a great deal.

Link to mine
Snails dont really need anything but in my breeder tank i got Large smooth pebles each one about the size of my fist. After a couple months the smooth stones are covered in algae which is great for a snail tank, My baby's always climb on and have a snack

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