What Deals Did You Have To Make To.....


Fish Herder
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Tahoe City, CA USA
I thought this might be fun...

What deal(s) did you make with your significant other (e.g., parents, boyfriends, wives, etc) to get a tank, a bigger tank and/or specific fish, etc. I have read a couple of posts about deals made.

The deal I made with my husband is that whatever tank I got in US gallons, he could get the same amount in inches of a flat screen television. I got a 60 gallon tank, he got a 50 inch plasma TV and he says I owe him. :grr: :lol:
Could be interesting indeed....

I am very fortunate that when I was younger my parents were supportive of my hobby, the only arrangement I had to make was that I looked after the fish myself.
oooo good topic!!

Ive lost count on the bribes I have set up so far haha :D I think the worst ones I agreed to do to get the tank are -

. Watch all 3 series of the Vampire Diaries with her without moaning all the way through - truly terrible program
. When we were both working in Leeds I agreed to drive for a full week so I was allowed to stop by Ferrybridge Aquatics on their late night on a Friday - only to be disappointed :(

I think now its actually if I have to do something I dont want an extra foot gets added to me new tank haha :D

Wasn't exactly a deal I just have to listen to her moan, constantly, non stop, forever about the fish tanks. And it was her who came home with a 30l tank back in the beginning!
She couldn't look after it as she couldn't get to grips with cycling (fish in). So as to not be beaten I took it upon myself to show her how its done!

Now she hates fish LOL. Crazy woman!

Only joking honey, she knows my password. :lol:
I am lucky my Hubby will happily go and fetch tanks for me, the further away the better so he is out all day away from the kids :lol:

As for wanting certain fish, well its a family forum and I am saying no more :blush:
i must be lucky then my gf says when we get a house i can have a massive marine tank in the living room and i cant have tropical tanks in the dining room and i did not have to promise anything lol!


edit: and im on my third tank in my room and she dont complain lol
Not exactly a deal, but I've been told since Saturday that another new tank will result in a "surprise baby" of our own...

Little did she know at the time that the day before, I had bought an Aqua One 620T from one of my "customers" on my delivery round for £20 (going to be used to help juggle the fish I have and leave the 100l plastic tub as a QT/fry holding/"naughty spot" backup, I've been picking Wills' brains over the last 24 hours, with the plan of leaving room in the 620T for some very peaceful "micro fish" to acquire in the new year I expect)!
Not exactly a deal, but I've been told since Saturday that another new tank will result in a "surprise baby" of our own...

Little did she know at the time that the day before, I had bought an Aqua One 620T from one of my "customers" on my delivery round for £20 (going to be used to help juggle the fish I have and leave the 100l plastic tub as a QT/fry holding/"naughty spot" backup, I've been picking Wills' brains over the last 24 hours, with the plan of leaving room in the 620T for some very peaceful "micro fish" to acquire in the new year I expect)!

Or she does know and is trying to tell you something :lol:
Great topic :good:

Okay well my first tank cost me a cat for the wife, to be honest that was not a chore as she "Sandy" is a sweet cat.
Tank 2 Cost me a complete decorating overhaul of our entire split level flat :hyper:

Tank 3 the wife has now caught on, the price the deal I made was steep and is hard to explain. It is sort of multi dimensional and all encompassing tank 3 can be brought up at any time and cover many different favours requests or orders at once. It is never paid off kinda like making a pact with the devil :lol: I jest I love my wife dearly but god knows what the next one will cost? :blink:

Regards onebto.
i got our 1st tank as a present for the missus, i then got obsessed and kind of took it over , she then bought me the 120g for my birthday , and it has been nothing but moan ***** whinge since :lol: . the only deal i ever do is say" im gona do this mith the tank" she kicks off , i get the usual " i wish id never bought that effing thing" then she realises that it aint gonna make a blind bit of difference , and just lets me get on with it. the only real conditon/agreement i stick woith is that i dont skint us out to buy anything for my tank , which i stick to................. usually :hey:
my wife has got used to the fish, we have lived together now for9 years and i had 2 3 foot tanks in a stand when i met her then when we moved in together she bought me a new 4 footer on the condition i got rid of the other 2 3 footers, only problem was i couldnt put the two tanks into 1 or most of them would have got eaten :) so they moved to the dining room then over the next 2 years the tank list changed to :-
3, 3x1x1.5
3, 4x1x1.5
1, 6x2x3
+ 1 little quaranteen tank 4x1x1
then one day she said i think you have got too many tanks :( so i sold on the 6 footer :( then because of my other hobby ( i race pigeons )needed to expand i was told the tanks need to go, so now we have 1 5x2x2 and 1 fluval duo deep and the stock lists keep changing and are on the change for good now,
to get the 5x2x2 instead of the 4x1x1 it cost me a 42 inch tv and sky+ hd
but must say i dont miss the constant water changes that i used to do over 4 nights a week then id get 3 nights off, then start the changes again, now the changes only take an hour 1 night a week

my stocklist now is :-

in the 5x2x2
2 tiger oscars that i bought at 1.5 inch a couple of months ago and are now 4-5 inch
1 redfin shark i used to have in my community (before i sold them all) who is now about 6 inch

in the duo deep
2x weather loaches that were raised in tropical conditions and are at about 6 inch
but thats it in this 1 at the mo will be building it up to a community ne next buy will be a pair of kribs than go from there
When I got my first tank my wife said if I got another she wouldn`t speak to me :huh:
When I got my second she didn`t :sad:
When I got my third she stoped her silence. oh my god did she stop her silence :shout:
The ace up my sleeve was getting my two boys onside age 2 and 4 :good:
I didn't have to make any real deals, the first tank came because i had an opperation and was going to be house bound for a few months, well that was the excuse anyway... the next couple of tanks i was allowed because i made everyone at home feel sorry for the fish ( i told them they needed more space or they'd die!) trying to think of something so i can get a new tank now... some good ideas on here :lol:
Funny this topic should appear now......not.

I rescaped my Malawi tank a few weeks ago. Wanted to keep some of the catfish though. So I told the Mrs that I needed to get a small tank on a temp basis to keep the cat while I cleaned out the main tank etc. I figured that once it was set up, that would be it. I would put something else in there.
Anyhow, Malawi tank redone, cats moved back. So wife says, "so when you going to get rid of small tank since you don't need it anymore". Needless to say, an argument followed...... And I think I lost :angry:

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