What Could You Keep With Axolotls?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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Just got this new tank and it's huge! 80x40x30cm for 2 axolotls.
Is there anything else that could live with them? Thinking they'll be at the bottom mostly.
I saw a thread about some sort of snaky looking thing that lives in cold water-anyone know what I'm on about?
Found them-rubber eels
Also the clawed forgs-would either of them be any good?
Thanks :)
a weather loach possibly here is two pics of mine



or there is these but they are warm water reed fish (rope fish)

you might find it hard to find a rubber eel as they are not alowed to be imported any more as are weather loaches but seen as thoughh you are in mansfield wharfe aquatics have got a rubber eel in the feptile department upstairs £19:99 i think

Thanks guys :)
The weather loaches need too big a tank, but thanks for thee suggestion. Reading nelly's link, it seems they are best as species only, but they come in several colours, so I think I'll suggest getting an albino and a yellow one, as the current 2 are brown.
Found a nice forum with pics of some lovely tank setups too so we should be able to make it look nice :)
Like i have said in another one of your threads. Axolotls do not belong with fish of any kind.

They'll either be eaten. Or nibble at and eat the axolotls gills and limbs.
Yep, gotcha :) As I said in my last post, we're not planning on adding anything except perhaps another axolotl.

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