What Could I Keep Simply?


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Dear all,

I have just cleaned up an old 2 foot glass aquarium, which used to house my giant millipedes. I t has been thoroughly thouroughly scrubbed, and features a well ventilated lid, with easy access (plus the option of adding cover glass(es) if neccesary.

I have popped in some spare white silica sand for now, and a small vivarium (heat wave) thermostatically controlled heat rock.

I am a little wary of using a light in the tank.

What kind of small reptile or invert could I keep in a dry/arrid tank like this?

I would like something that prefers dry conditions, as my house is quite warm by day, but cool by night.

Thanks all!
there are heaps of types and they come from desert areas or bushland habitats. Most are small about 4inches, and breed readily in captivity. But they only produce a couple of eggs per batch. They can also be kept in prs.
there are heaps of types and they come from desert areas or bushland habitats. Most are small about 4inches, and breed readily in captivity. But they only produce a couple of eggs per batch. They can also be kept in prs.

Ah Geckoes :> Excellent thank you!
Ditch the sand and heat rock, and get a leopard gecko.

Or, get a species of tarantula...However, most 'beginner' T's ( chilean rose hairs, mexican red knees ect ) do not need that much room.

You could try Madagascan Fire millipedes, very much similar to the AGB they just don't get as big. Very cool looking too. With enough substrate ( 4-6 inches) they will breed just as readily as AGBs.
Yeah, ditch the heatrock. As reptiles are cold blooded, they cannot feel the heat on their skin or something like that :)blink:) till it is too late, and they can get seriously burned.

I'd suggest some sort of gecko. :good: Leopard is a good beginner's gecko, but there are plenty to choose from. :good:

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