What could be wrong with my betta?


Mar 11, 2004
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Virginia, United States
I'd like some help cuz my betta appears listless and he didn't eat last night or this morning. As posted in the tropical chit chat forum I'm a bit of a newbie and I made the mistake of overstocking too soon and he's in a 10 gal tank with 2 blackskirt tetras 2 serpae tetras and 2 platys. The ammonia has been between .5 and 1.0 ppm so I've been doing a 25% water change daily. He doesn't appear to have any signs of disease that I can see but is there something I should look for? What can I do? I really love my betta :wub: he is my name sake and all. What can I do to help him?
omg he was laying on his side and when he lifted up I noticed his left pectoral fin is completely gone! His tail is shredded too! It looks like he's been fighting but I haven't noticed any of the other fish messing with him or each other for that matter. Is he gonna die? I really loved :wub: stan. If he dies I'm gonna cry :byebye:
I would get him out of the community tank immediately. I've heard from numerous sources that serpae tetra are VERY nippy, like tiger barb level of nippy...

If you can get him into a bowl/tank by himself, you can at least work on healing him and then figuring out just what's going on. Do you have a 1 to 5 gallon tank/vase/fishbowl?
Go buy a 1 gallon plastic bowl for 3 dollars. If you really love your betta buy a 2 dollar silk plant to hang down from the top. Buy BettaFix or MelaFix, these are for healing wounds and preventing infection. Buy a box of AQUARIUM salt (do not use home salt) for $3.

Get a gallon of spring water, add a small pinch of the aquarium salt to it. Add I believe it is around 40 drops of BettaFix to the water. Make sure the water is the same temperature as the water in his tank. (If it is not, fill up the sink with hot water, and let the treated gallon of water (in the jug with the cap on) sit in the hot water until it is the right temperature, or put in fridge if its too hot). This is important as a water temperature change will shock him and he sounds to be in a bad state. (Thermometers are like $2 if you don't already have one).

Fill the 1 gallon plastic bowl to 2 inches to the rim (so he can't jump out), with the salted, bettafix'd, proper temperature spring water.

If you have a ziplock bag or plastic cup that you can get your betta into without touching him, that would be best. Let him float in the old tank water in the cup or bag, in the new bowl for about 15 minutes. Won't have to be too long since the water temp is adjusted properly. Release him into the gallon bowl, perform 50% water changes twice a week, adding bettafix and salt accordingly.

This will cost you about 15 bucks and about an hour of setup time, but this is your best bet to save your betta. In these circumstances he should heal back to full health and even regrow his fins. They might look a bit different, but sometimes they come back even prettier. Most importantly get him OUT of that tank, in his current state he is a sitting duck for the other fish and they will pick at him until he has no fins or eyes, and he will die.

Hope this helps, best of luck with your betta, post back to let us know how it goes.

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