What Could Be Wrong With Lucas?


New Member
Mar 26, 2006
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I own two wonderful male bettas. I bought them from the petstore two years ago. Charlie was my first, adn then I got lucas a month later.


About 2 months ago I noticed a small lump on Lucis' belly.. by his tail. It has grown quite a bit over the past two months, and is a different color than the rest of his body. a bright blue rather than white and purple.

I got some pics to show



Any ideas what it could be and what I can treat him with?
Sorry.. these are the best pictures I can take, because he moves, and I don't want to use flash to make it brighter. I took about 15, and only about 4 were good enough to show the llump.

And I thought abcess or tumor at first too.

He's still eating his regular amount, as well.
Sorry, Leto, I don't think anyone can tell much from the pics. But try posting in the emergency forum. It will need some one with experience with whatever it is. I have not seen anything posted by others about blue lumps. Try changing the title with more description like"Help! Blue Lump!" or something to attract wuvmybetta or someone who has the most experience, although black angel has lots. The threads in "Betta" go by really fast, and it's easy to miss a post.

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