What Cory's


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
Ashford in the Water, Derbyshire

I'm looking at stocking some cory's for my community tank.
Below are the following species that I'm thinking about,


Could you tell me if they would be suitable for a 180 ltr, 23c, pH6.8 ammonia and nitrite 0.0 and nitrate 5.0,heavily planted tank with sand substrate,bogwood, tufa and slate, pH has been bufferd with coral sand as pH and kH(1.0) are very low. Running 2 filters a Juwel internal and a Fluval 305 External as we would like to overstock.
The tank has been up and running for 9 weeks now, I would like to know that these corys could go in now or if i should wait a while, at the moment I have 3 mollys, 3 rock shrimps, 6 columbian tetra's and various snails. The only other fish we are planning, are 1 L numbered plec up to 5" , pair of Blue Rams and some more tetra's. Other suggestions welcome

I know we can't stock these all at once, would 5 of each be too much? If we couldn't have all 5 types of corys which and how many would you suggest.

Many thanks

I would not add more than 5 of each kind to that tank at the moment, unless you have access to extra cycled filter media. Start with the Plec, the Tetras, or the Rams. Your bio load is still light to be puting 5 full grown Cories in at once, imo. The Plec would bump it up well. I don't know about the sensitivity of the Rams. A school of 5 medium sized Tetras should do ok. Ad a bit at a time with a few weeks between additions. I use media from the Goldie tank and the Frontie tank. Dirty boys and girls. I keep extra bags of media i them for that purpose. It is needed when I treat a tank or add fish or start a new tank.

So actually I am not an authority on adding fish to a new tank. I think I am being conservative. :blush:
From what ive heard blue rams are quite sensitive to water quality. But that depends on where it was bred. I agree with jolly to add some tetras, pleco then rams and corys after a few more weeks of tank settling down. My 2cents

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