What Cory's To Choose?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2006
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Hi everybody!!

I am waiting on my tank to cycle but once this is done I am hoping to get some Cory's.....any advice on what species to get....? My tank is not that big so I am hoping to get some Cory's for the bottom and maybe neons or mollies as well? Any advice on who would make good tank mates with my Cory's.....had issues before with my poor little Cory's getting attacked and it would break my heart to see this again :-(
Hi Cory_Cat :)

Most any small and peaceful community fish will get along fine with corys. Glowlight tetras are pretty fish that would work as well as neons. Guppies and platys would be good too and can be found in most lfs.

I would suggest avoiding cichlids and gouramis, and some bettas will do better than others with the corys.

It's important to match the temperature requirements for the corys with the other fish. Some corys do better in cooler water, while some like it warmer. A little research in this area might save you problems later on. There are so many species of cory that you will surely find a number of choices. :D
Hi Cory_Cat :)

Most any small and peaceful community fish will get along fine with corys. Glowlight tetras are pretty fish that would work as well as neons. Guppies and platys would be good too and can be found in most lfs.

I would suggest avoiding cichlids and gouramis, and some bettas will do better than others with the corys.

It's important to match the temperature requirements for the corys with the other fish. Some corys do better in cooler water, while some like it warmer. A little research in this area might save you problems later on. There are so many species of cory that you will surely find a number of choices. :D

Thanks inchworm!! :D
might also be worth seeing what corys are available to you before you get your heart set on one type, some are harder to come by the others.

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