What Cory's Should I Get For My 10g

i have gravel in the botton avrage 1 1/2 - 2 mm in diameter is this ok for cory's? and if so what type of cory's should i get?

I am assuming that you mean 1 1/2 cm as that diameter is mm would be less than a particle of gravel thick which is definitely not suitable for Cory's of any kind!

I do still feel that 1 - 1 1/2 Inches would be better still though.

Even with gravel many feel it's not suitable as it can wear down their barbels - i personally feel that gravel is okay but not as effective at mimicking their natural habitat as sand.
ok if i was going to put sand in the tank what would i have to do? The gravel i have in there now is small and round.

this is offtopic for this forum and sorry but would oto's be beter?
tlegden, I think caboose_122 meant that the average size of an individual pebble of gravel was 1 1/2 to 2 mm in size.

I think you'd be better off getting your lone rasbora some friends, same with the serpaes. Also, the swordtails will need a larger tank once full grown. I think if you wanted to add fish then get your otto a buddy or two but I would not reccommend getting cories as you do not have any more room to add them, unfortunalty. :/ If you find you have too much leftover food rotting at the bottom of the tank then feed less.

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