What Cory Should I Get?


New Member
Dec 22, 2009
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I really want a few corys with my African Dwarf Frog and Betta. Its a 20l tank. What type should i get? I feed the frog and betta bloodworm but i've heard that corys cant eat bloodworm. Is this true?
I really want a few corys with my African Dwarf Frog and Betta. Its a 20l tank. What type should i get? I feed the frog and betta bloodworm but i've heard that corys cant eat bloodworm. Is this true?

i had a betta in a tank with corys and he attacked them so i wouldent bother either beta or cory, the beta i had lived fine with them for a month or so then jsut turned on them.
a 20L tank is no place for corys im affraid. they like as much room as poss and in this size tank you just dont have enough.
a 20L tank is no place for corys im affraid. they like as much room as poss and in this size tank you just dont have enough.

A 20 litre is too small, even the smallest cories (Corydoras Habrosus, Hastatus, Pygmaeus) would need around 30 litre min, ideally 35 litre.

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