What Consider A Tank And A Bowl?


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Somewhere in the U.S.

I'm just wondering about what consider a tank and a bowl. I thinking about getting a large "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" (8.75" L X 14.5" W X 9.75" H <-- 3 gallons?) for my betta fish. I'm planning, I'm going to install a heater and a filter along with plants and other decorations. Is "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" consider a bowl?

I'm just wondering about what consider a tank and a bowl. I thinking about getting a large "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" (8.75" L X 14.5" W X 9.75" H <-- 3 gallons?) for my betta fish. I'm planning, I'm going to install a heater and a filter along with plants and other decorations. Is "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" consider a bowl?
When I think of a bowl I think round! How much are one of those, you can get a 5 gallon tank at walmart under 10 bucks

I'm just wondering about what consider a tank and a bowl. I thinking about getting a large "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" (8.75" L X 14.5" W X 9.75" H <-- 3 gallons?) for my betta fish. I'm planning, I'm going to install a heater and a filter along with plants and other decorations. Is "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" consider a bowl?
When I think of a bowl I think round! How much are one of those, you can get a 5 gallon tank at walmart under 10 bucks

Idk I read in some post and they said that a square 1 gallon is a bowl. Anyway, the "Lee's rectangle kritter keeper" is about $12. I don't want to have a too big tank because I live in a dorm :p

I'm just wondering about what consider a tank and a bowl. I thinking about getting a large "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" (8.75" L X 14.5" W X 9.75" H <-- 3 gallons?) for my betta fish. I'm planning, I'm going to install a heater and a filter along with plants and other decorations. Is "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" consider a bowl?
When I think of a bowl I think round! How much are one of those, you can get a 5 gallon tank at walmart under 10 bucks

Idk I read in some post and they said that a square 1 gallon is a bowl. Anyway, the "Lee's rectangle kritter keeper" is about $12. I don't want to have a too big tank because I live in a dorm :p

A 5 gallon and a three gallon is not really that much of a difference when talking about the room that it takes up. When talking about the room for the fish itself theres a decent size difference
Seriously, tanks less than 5 gallons in size are useless. Save your money. While you could keep a Betta in a heated, filtered 5 gallon tank, I'm strongly against keeping them in smaller systems than that. I work over at the Wet Web Media site, and every week I answer questions from students with Bettas in small bowls and tanks. Invariably, their fish are sick because the environment in these little "death traps" just isn't good enough to keep them alive for very long. While the 3 gallon tank might be cheap, the heater and filter won't be, and so the whole thing ends up a complete waste of money.

Most beginners should start with a 15-20 gallon tank. Even a 10 gallon tank is extremely limiting, with very few widely traded fish species happy in tanks this small.

If you can't have a 5 gallon tank, then consider keeping something else. Carnivorous plants perhaps, if you have a bright windowsill. These are fun, easy to keep if you have access to rain or distilled water (tap and mineral water kills them), and useful for catching bugs in the room.

Cheers, Neale

I'm just wondering about what consider a tank and a bowl. I thinking about getting a large "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" (8.75" L X 14.5" W X 9.75" H <-- 3 gallons?) for my betta fish. I'm planning, I'm going to install a heater and a filter along with plants and other decorations. Is "Lee's Rectangle Kritter Keeper" consider a bowl?
From your original post, it sounds like you already have a betta. If he is currently in a bowl, cup or vase, by all means, upgrade to a filtered, heated 3 gallon. Not ideal perhaps, but certainly much better than an unfiltered bowl!
IMO a 3g should be fine for him. But I would strongly recommend a 5g because you can easily get away with cleaning it once a week. The bigger the tank, the less maintenance and a 5g will hardly take up more square inches than a 3 gallon.

There's just way more margin for error in a 5g which is what you want. I'm taking a year off at the moment but Lord knows I will probably cough up the $$$ to upgrade my guy to a 5g when I go back to school and get immersed n homework and classes!
3 USG?

That's what . . . just over 10 litres?

14 litres is the smallest I would ever put a betta in, and even that makes me feel pretty guilty. They need plenty of space for swimming exercise and to keep them interested in their environment. A 3 USG just doesn't provide that.

I'm in a shared room and I have all my bettas in at least 14 litres. The ones that I don't need to cram into my room are in about 20 litres each (many in divided tanks). The smaller tanks are much harder work - more water evaporation, more cleaning, more water changes.
ive kept a betta in the same kritter keeper as you describe for well over a year now. it has a small 50 wt heater (from walmart) and a diy sponge filter. both take up very little space in the tank...no problems keeping levels more than acceptable (and he eats flake so very messy and im sure extra food lays about..if the snails dont eat it) due to the filter. he has never been diseased (and was "rescued" from a pet store when he was less than an inch long, too small for selling so i took him home).
the first good piece of advice is to make a filter ( i can tell you how) and to keep LOTS of plants in there. waterchange once a week. let me know if ur interested in the filter. small commercial filters are NO GOOD so you really should make your own if considering keeping a betta in a small tank with any success.

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